For uploading files/remote gdrive files, the syntax is simple;
gupload filename/foldername/file_id/file_link -c gdrive_folder_name
where filename/foldername
is input file/folder and gdrive_folder_name
is the name of the folder on gdrive, where the input file/folder will be uploaded.
and file_id/file_link
is the accessible gdrive file link or id which will be uploaded without downloading.
If gdrive_folder_name
is present on gdrive, then script will upload there, else will make a folder with that name.
Note: It’s not mandatory to use -c / -C / –create-dir flag.
Apart from basic usage, this script provides many flags for custom usecases, like parallel uploading, skipping upload of existing files, overwriting, etc.
These are the custom flags that are currently implemented:
-z | –config
Override default config file with custom config file.
Default Config: ${HOME}/.googledrive.conf
If you want to change the default value of the config path, then use this format,
gupload --config default=your_config_file_path
-a | –account ‘account name’
Use different account than the default one.
To change the default account name, do
gupload -a/--account default=account_name
-la | –list-accounts
Print all configured accounts in the config files.
-ca | –create-account ‘account name’
To create a new account with the given name if does not already exists. If the given account exists then script will ask for a new name.
Note 1: Only for interactive terminal usage.
Note 2: This flag is preferred over --account
-da | –delete-account ‘account name’
To delete an account information from config file.
-c | -C | –create-dir
Option to create directory. Will provide folder id. Can be used to specify workspace folder for uploading files/folders.
If this option is used, then input file is optional.
-r | –root-dir <google_folderid>
Google folder id or url to which the file/directory to upload.
If you want to change the default value of the rootdir stored in config, then use this format,
gupload --root-dir default=root_folder_[id/url]
-s | –skip-subdirs
Skip creation of sub folders and upload all files inside the INPUT folder/sub-folders in the INPUT folder, use this along with -p/–parallel option to speed up the uploads.
-p | –parallel <no_of_files_to_parallely_upload>
Upload multiple files in parallel, Max value = 10, use with folders.
-o | –overwrite
Overwrite the files with the same name, if present in the root folder/input folder, also works with recursive folders and single/multiple files.
Note: If you use this flag along with -d/–skip-duplicates, the skip duplicates flag is preferred.
-desc | –description | –description-all ‘description’
Specify description for the given file.
To use the respective metadata of a file, below is the format:
File name ( fullname ): %f Size: %s Mime Type: %m
Now to actually use it: --description 'Filename: %f, Size: %s, Mime: %m'
Note: For files inside folders, use --description-all
-d | –skip-duplicates
Do not upload the files with the same name, if already present in the root folder/input folder, also works with recursive folders.
-f | –file/folder
Specify files and folders explicitly in one command, use multiple times for multiple folder/files.
For uploading multiple input into the same folder:
Use -C / –create-dir ( e.g ./ -f file1 -f folder1 -f file2 -C <folder_wherw_to_upload>
) option.
Give two initial arguments which will use the second argument as the folder you wanna upload ( e.g: ./ filename <folder_where_to_upload> -f filename -f foldername
This flag can also be used for uploading files/folders which have -
character in their name, normally it won’t work, because of the flags, but using -f -[file|folder]namewithhyphen
works. Applies for -C/–create-dir too.
Also, as specified by longflags ( --[file|folder]
), you can simultaneously upload a folder and a file.
Incase of multiple -f flag having duplicate arguments, it takes the last duplicate of the argument to upload, in the same order provided.
-cl | –clone
Upload a gdrive file without downloading, require accessible gdrive link or id as argument.
-S | –share <optional_email_address>
Share the uploaded input file/folder, grant reader permission to provided email address or to everyone with the shareable link.
-SM | -sm | –share-mode ‘share mode’
Specify the share mode for sharing file.
Share modes are:
Note: Although this flag is independent of –share flag but when email is needed, then –share flag use is neccessary.
–speed ‘speed’
Limit the download speed, supported formats: 1K, 1M and 1G.
-R | –retry ‘num of retries’
Retry the file upload if it fails, postive integer as argument. Currently only for file uploads.
-in | –include ‘pattern’
Only include the files with the given pattern to upload - Applicable for folder uploads.
e.g: gupload local_folder –include “1”, will only include the files with pattern ‘1’ in the name.
Note: Only provide patterns which are supported by find -name option.
-ex | –exclude ‘pattern’
e.g: gupload local_folder –exclude “1”, will exclude all the files with pattern ‘1’ in the name.
Note: Only provide patterns which are supported by find -name option.
This flag will prevent the script to print sensitive information like root folder id or drivelink
-q | –quiet
Supress the normal output, only show success/error upload messages for files, and one extra line at the beginning for folder showing no. of files and sub folders.
-v | –verbose
Dislay detailed message (only for non-parallel uploads).
-V | –verbose-progress
Display detailed message and detailed upload progress(only for non-parallel uploads).
Do not check for internet connection, recommended to use in sync jobs.
-i | –save-info <file_to_save_info>
Save uploaded files info to the given filename."
-u | –update
Update the installed script in your system, if not installed, then install.
Uninstall the script from your system.
Show detailed info, only if script is installed system wide.
-h | –help
Display usage instructions.
-D | –debug
Display script command trace.
For using multiple inputs at a single time, you can use the -f/--file/--folder
or -cl/--clone
flag as explained above.
Now, to achieve multiple inputs without flag, you can just use glob or just give them as arguments.
gupload a b c d
a/b/c/d will be treated as file/folder/gdrive_link_or_id.
gupload *mp4 *mkv
This will upload all the mp4 and mkv files in the folder, if any.
To upload all files, just use *. For more info, google how globs work in shell.
gupload a b -d c d -c e
a/b/c/d will be treated as file/folder/gdrive_link_or_id and e as gdrive_folder
Uploads interrupted either due to bad internet connection or manual interruption, can be resumed from the same position.
, which later on when running the same command as before, if applicable, resumes the upload from the same position as before.