Functions to facilitate debugging scripts.
Prints the content of array as key value pair for easier debugging. Pass the variable name of the array instead of value of the variable.
array=(foo bar baz)
printf "Array\n"
printarr "array"
declare -A assoc_array
assoc_array=([foo]=bar [baz]=foobar)
printf "Assoc Array\n"
printarr "assoc_array"
0 = foo
1 = bar
2 = baz
Assoc Array
baz = foobar
foo = bar
Function to print ansi escape sequence as is. This function helps debug ansi escape sequence in text by displaying the escape codes.
txt="$(tput bold)$(tput setaf 9)This is bold red text$(tput sgr0).$(tput setaf 10)This is green text$(tput sgr0)"
debug::print_ansi "$txt"
\e[1m\e[91mThis is bold red text\e(B\e[m.\e[92mThis is green text\e(B\e[m