
The script can be installed and sourced using following methods.

Method 1 - Git Submodules

If the library is used inside a git project then git submodules can be used to install the library to the project. Following command will initialize git submodule and download the library to ./vendor/bash-utility folder.

git submodule init
git submodule add -b master vendor/bash-utility

To Update submodules to latest code execute the following command.

git submodule update --rebase --remote

Once the submodule is added or updated, make sure to commit changes to your repository.

git add .
git commit -m 'Added/updated bash-utility library.'

Note: When cloning your repository, use --recurse-submodules flag to git clone command to install the git sub modules.

Method 2 - Git Clone

If you don’t want to use git submodules, you can use git clone to download library and then move the files to desired location manually.

The below command will clone the repository to vendor/bash-utility folder in current working directory.

git clone ./vendor/bash-utility

Method 3 - Direct Download

If you do not have git installed, you can download the archive of the latest version of the library. Extract the zip file to appropriate folder by following the below command.

unzip -q -d tmp
mkdir -p vendor/bash-utility
mv tmp/bash-utility-master vendor/bash-utility
rm tmp